Why you Shouldn’t Buy a Club Caribe Timeshare

Too much luxury can be a bad thing. Spoiling yourself with a Club Caribe timeshare is just setting yourself up for disappointment with your other timeshare purchases. The common dangers of buying a Club Caribe timeshare include: spending overly fabulous vacations each year in top vacation destinations in Mexico; having the pressure to spend quality bonding time with the family; becoming the subject of your friends’ envious eyes; putting on weight because the gourmet food options and meal plans are just too good to refuse.

Still not convinced that you shouldn’t buy a Club Caribe timeshare? Keep reading …

Too many fabulous vacations can be bad for you

Enjoying too many an overly fabulous vacations can set you up for failure in the future as your family begin to expect the same standards every time your travel. Purchasing a Club Caribe timeshare brings with it the urge to vacation all the time, which makes you hate your job, wish you were in Mexico and start you thinking about buying real estate in Mexico rather than going back home!

Good friends become envious friends

Friendship can take a sudden turn, when envy sets in.  Your friends can develop feelings of envy when they see your lovely photos each time you go for a Club Caribe timeshare vacation. The envy is further exaggerated when you tell them how you can exchange your Club Caribe timeshare week using Interval International for destinations all around the world. You wil have to put them out of their misery and invite them to attend a Friends Count program presentation, where you can have an opportunity to earn for yourself and your friends become Club Caribe timeshare owners too.

Forced Regular Vacations with Your Family

Having a Club Caribe timeshare means regular vacationing that gives no excuse.  There’s the pressure of making the most out of it, such you would  will see yourself making an exchange with Interval International  in order to get the your subject place of desire.  It can be a tropical beach holiday in Mexico or a mountain alps experience.  If you can’t make it for a given time, there’s the possibility of banking your points and saving it for another year’s fabulous vacation

Comparing Timeshares

A point of comparison will be developed and you will compare your other timeshares with that of the Club Caribe.  Certainly, your other timeshares will fall behind and every time you use them, it’s like there’s a thought that crosses your mind that you should have done it with your Club Caribe timeshare.

From now on its fine dining or nothing

Club Caribe timeshare resorts have posh restaurants that will spoil you with its luxury dining.  You will get so used to it that your standard will rise, making eating out disappointing unless you have a gourmet meal.  You’ll not be motivated to do home cooking, instead your heart will long for gourmet dining.  Disappointment will set in, so the best thing to do is not to buy a Club Caribe timeshare.
Are you really sure you want to take the risk of buying a Club Caribe timeshare?