Upgrade your Timeshare to Solve Usage Problems

This week’s topic is based around how you might upgrade your timeshare to solve usage problems. If you are encountering usage problems with your timeshare, then you should consider upgrading. There are timeshare owners that feel like their membership level makes it very difficult to actually enjoy their timeshare, when a simple upgrade could open up many opportunities. In practice, the people who are most likely to have usage problems are those who have just purchased their timeshare, particularly those with the lowest level of membership. These members are at most risk of falling into a cancellation scam. Read on to find out more…

Upgrade your timeshare to solve usage problems

One of the top complaints you find on timeshare forums is that people believe they have been sold a timeshare membership that they are not able to use. Most timeshare usage problems affect new timeshare owners who have purchased the lowest possible level of timeshare membership at a resort. The reasons for this are because:

  1. To get the best options, you should aim to make timeshare reservations in advance. You can do so up to two years in advance. New members are therefore at a disadvantage.
  2. It you buy the lowest level of membership you will most probably be trying to reserve the most popular suites.
  3. New members are often still unaware of all the alternative options to make their timeshare membership work for them.

Dangers for new timeshare members

When new timeshare members believe they have timeshare usage problems they will often go to forums to complain rather than consulting their timeshare company for advice on how to make the most of their membership. They then put themselves at risk of a cancellation scam. You will find that when you complain about your timeshare membership you will be given all kinds of misleading advice, much of which is posted by scammers and fraudulent timeshare cancellation companies.

What is the best solution for timeshare usage problems?

  1. Speak to your timeshare company for advice. You will be surprised at the options you have to get the most out of even the lowest level membership. For example, if you do not have enough points to make a reservation in the first year or you cannot reserve the type of suite you are eligible for, you might bank your week or points for the following year, or even borrow points or privileges to reserve an upgraded suite. You options will totally depend on your type of membership, so you should speak to your timeshare provider first, before panicking and thinking that your timeshare is a scam.
  2. The best solution when you are having regular usage problems for your specific needs (ie, your family has grown since you first bought your timeshare, or you want to take more vacations in one year) is to consider an upgrade of your timeshare membership. When you do this, you will have greater flexibility and a wider choice of destinations.
  3. If you have a problem getting the week(s) and type of unit that you want you could reserve any available weeks then use the services of an exchange network like RCI or Interval International to swap them for weeks that are conducive to your needs.
  4. Renting out the timeshare week you can reserve is an additional option that you have too.

What to avoid when you upgrade your timeshare to avoid usage problems

You should ensure that you are purchasing an upgrade instead of purchasing an additional timeshare membership. That means, you should only upgrade your timeshare with the same company where you first purchased. You should remember that any timeshare competitors will not purchase your current timeshare membership so you can get an upgraded timeshare membership with them. It might sound like that is the case in the sales talk, but the reality is that you will still be responsible for your original timeshare. If you are not careful, you may be paying for two timeshare memberships instead of one with an upgrade.

Also, remember that you cannot cancel a timeshare, no matter what you might be told by scam timeshare cancellation companies. They will try to claim that your timeshare has been cancelled, when the reality is that you are defaulting on your contract and any loans you may have related to your membership.

A Successful Timeshare Membership

There are many different ways you can have a successful timeshare membership. You should first look at your timeshare as an investment that is ongoing. Your finances will continue to grow and your timeshare membership will actually work for you. If you are a timeshare member with a reputable timeshare company, then you should consider upgrading your membership as your circumstances change and improve. This is an excellent solution. When you do this you will benefit with your timeshare membership.