Coming Soon – Timeshare Blacklist

We have high hopes that in the next coming months we will be able to present a full timeshare blacklist of companies related to the vacation ownership industry that are known to be fraudulent. These are companies which give reputable providers a bad name; they have misled or outright scammed consumers at some point. It is time to expose them.

Timeshare Blacklist to protect consumers

The kinds of companies and services on this list will vary, but all entries will have one thing in common; they will be fraudulent in one way or another. They include timeshare cancellation companies, timeshare rental firms, timeshare resales and more.

Blacklisted timeshare cancellation companies

Simply put, any cancellation service is a scam. There is a recission (or cooling-off) period enshrined in law which allows timeshare buyers time to think; if you wish to cancel and you are still within this period all you have to do is let your timeshare provider know following specific protocols. If you are not within this period then you cannot cancel a timeshare. Thus, there is never a need for timeshare cancellation services.

Timeshare Rental scams

Timeshare rental scams deserve to be on our timeshare blacklist. Timeshare companies often offer the chance to rent out your unit if and when you cannot use it. They will generally take a fee from the money earned to do so…. Of course, there are also fake companies which will take a fee upfront with the claim that they can do the same, or better, for less. They take the money and run, never to be heard from again.

Timeshare resale scams

Resale scams are highly versatile; they can either consist of people selling a timeshare so laden with debt, or so close to expiry, that it is impossible to use, or of people trying to charge introductory fees in order to get you in touch with a buyer. In either case these scammers leave you short of money. Resale scammers are insidious; even happy timeshare owners have been fooled by them, which is why we will expose them on our timeshare blacklist.

If you think that you know of some timeshare companies that deserve to be added to our upcoming timeshare blacklist, let us know why in the comments section below.